Nazanin Zomorodian

School PODs Educator in North York, Ontario

The School PODs Advantage

Feb 23, 2021

We have all been in the situation where we felt overwhelmed with the work assigned to our child; a time when our little one has come home sad and maybe crying because she/he has not understood the lesson taught yet has a big project to hand in. I have been in that situation, too. I know how it feels. I still remember when my 10- year- old daughter came home crying because she did not understand a word the teacher said, and although she asked to be explained, her teacher did not have the time to do so. I have been through the process of Googling the definition of this word and the location of that organ.

As an educator, I have also felt the trials of having students with different levels stacked together in one class. I have been forced to see despair, frustration and boredom in my students’ eyes because some do not understand the topic, and others benefit from a more advanced level. One memory that is still engraved in my mind is of a young girl. I had the pleasure of tutoring her for a couple of months. In our first meeting, her parents told me that she was so shy that she would not speak in class and was, therefore, bullied by her peers. Unfortunately, her teacher did not notice the depth of her problems until she became depressed and had to leave school for some time.  


School PODs: Accredited Teacher

Teaches: English, ESL, Middle & Senior Levels

Location: North York, Ontario

¨ ..each student receives the attention he/she needs and is led through the learning process according to his/her interests, whether our child is a visual, audio or kinetic learner.¨


But who is to blame? The teacher? Of course, not. Teachers are humans with two hands, one big heart and a whole lot of work. The parent for not choosing a better school? Definitely not. Our education system acknowledges the fact that there are different learning styles, yet children are all shepherded through the school year with one teaching method and a teacher who has too many responsibilities to have the time to pay attention to each and everyone’s cognitive capabilities. However, our pods are created to ensure that each student receives the attention he/she needs and is led through the learning process according to his/her interests, whether our child is a visual, audio or kinetic learner. Our classes are designed to tailor your child’s needs and in accordance with the curriculum of the Ministry of Education. Your loved one will be getting the education he/she requires in an interacting atmosphere where not only his theoretical knowledge but also his practical abilities will increase. 


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School PODs provide in person education delivered by professional, accredited educators in a family’s or educator’s learning space.  Offered to small groups of 5 to 8, School Pods works with homeschool families to enhance curriculum and deliver a professional educational experience. Ideal for families seeking alternative, individualised education options for their Pre-K to 12 children.

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